January 22, 2025


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Top 5 Insurance Plans You Should Have In Germany

Schengen Travel Visa Insurance – Europe Travel Insurance

Germany is one of the best countries to live productive and prosperous lives. From knowledge, arts to innovations, Germans have proven their worth in the world. 

Part of the reason why Germany is ideal is its legal system. Insurance plans can save you from huge plenties, just like reading reviews can help you choose the best companies. One of the most-trusted review platforms is Erfahrungenscout.de. On this website, you can read reviews of different businesses to opt for the best services in Germany. 

Back to the insurance plans; if you plan to move to Germany, you must have these five insurance plans. 

  1. Legal Insurance

You might run into a range of legal problems even if you have done nothing illegal. For example, if you have a disagreement with your landlord or have trouble paying your taxes, your lawyer can help you out. The benefit of having a legal insurance plan is that it can get you connected with a lawyer at no extra cost. For personal needs, you will only want to opt for private legal insurance, but there are legal insurance plans for enterprises. You would want to only choose the best people to handle your legal matters, right? Reading reviews helps you choose the top insurance companies in germany

  1. Liability Insurance 

Liability is the amount of money that you must pay to someone. In Germany, Liability Insurance saves you from paying what you’re “Liable” for. The german laws hold you responsible if someone experiences damage for your negligence. If you didn’t clear the snow from in front of your home, you would have to pay if they sue you if they get damage. Liability Insurance is great as it can save you from bankruptcy if you get sued for liability. 

  1. Health Insurance

Health is wealth is a popular proverb that holds to this age. In Germany, if you stay there for more than three months, you must have a health insurance plan. This health insurance will be used to pay your hospital dues etc. if you need medical assistance. You can either go for public or private health insurance in Germany. However, reading reviews of different people about health insurance can help you choose the right plan. 

  1. Car Insurance

Car drivers; you know how unpredictable it is when it comes to accidents! To ensure your safety and others around you, you must have car insurance in Germany. The car insurance plans you can get in Germany are Vollkasko and Teilkasko. The former covers all the damage you incur to your and other cars while the latter is only for damage done to other cars and people. Some insurance plans also help you in vandalism and theft cases. 

  1. Job Disability Insurance

Many circumstances in a person’s life can leave them unable to work anymore. Job Disability Insurance is perfect in such cases. This insurance covers you if you get an injury that prevents you from doing your job. Opting for this insurance plan helps you pay your debt or provide for your family even if you can’t work anymore. Job Disability Insurance plans have affordable monthly installment plans in Germany.